D2S Construction

and we make sure we give them that room by being transparent and up-front.” D2S Construction also acts transparently throughout the other stages of the project as well. Their full-serving project management offering includes budget updates and projections every step of the way. “We’re very open with clients,” David says. “If something changes – if something is going to cost a bit more because of things beyond our control – then we relay that message. We explain it to them. And we

to our clients.” He also believes their level of transparency when it comes to pricing goes a long way: “We give very, very detailed estimates right from the beginning,” he explains. “We give very detailed budgets.” “The more old-school method is to just walk in, ballpark it, and say ‘We can get it done.’ That’s not what we do. That doesn’t give the clients a lot of room to plan their finances. And our clients tend to be pretty savvy about that sort of thing. They want to have that room to plan,

From that point on, D2S Construction has continued to grow slowly and steadily, getting into progressively larger projects as the years have gone on. The company now has roughly 15 employees, but that number fluctuates based on the size andnumber of jobs they are operating. They concurrently manage several jobs at any one time, and they take on projects throughout Greater Montreal ranging in value from $200,000 to $2 million. According to David, within that wide range, D2S is set apart by “the level of attention we give


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